Welcome to 2023

The old world is crumbling, and a new way is emerging.

The Goddess is Rising.

Keyword: Awareness.

Practice: Meditation- Mindfulness-Kindness.

Period of: – Rebuilding- New Foundations.

In need of: Human Touch.

It’s time to take off our 3D cloths and step into what the 4th dimension is bringing us.

How do we recognize that the 4th dimension has begun?

We are seeing and experiencing how fast time is going. Things are speeding up the frequency is quicker. Example: Look at how fast the months are going. Four weeks now feels like three. With the acceleration in speed, it causes a change in the picture. So, what the world was, it now isn’t.

The frequency is one of not accepting our old structure. That’s why things aren’t working anymore.

So, we must step into the new frequency, or we will be in between and will be miserable.

To step into the flow of the frequency of the new way:

We are to discover our true soul self and establish a connection with the universal energy source.

We are to clear all karma as best as we can.

We are to look at our own biases and judgement of self and others and correct them.

We MUST have a clean - clear pure heart.

We MUST respect and honor Mother Earth and all its inhabitances.

We are to examine how we personally take care of our environment.

Where do we waste food, water, paper, plastic. How can we conserve?

We are to do things not only for self but for the collective good - ALWAYS

We must focus on liberty and justice for ALL!

In the 4th Dimension which we have begun:

  • Corporations will be dwindling, and small new businesses will rise.

  • The new large corporations will be clean energy based. Environmental.

  • Politics will go and governing will begin. The divine feminine is and will rise.

  • In Health Care – The whole self is promenade - the mind-body-spirit – will be looked at as one.

  • Sound will be used for many medical aliments.

  • Mental Health for everyone- part of the whole-self structure.

  • Mind: Practice Meditation- Mindfulness - Get off electronics for social living!!
    This is the mind/ego run riot!  Responsible use of social media. Need Human Interaction.

  • Body: Think rainbow – East the colors of – phytonutrients.

  • Body: Spirit  - Balance and Clear – Chakras- and Auras (Energy centers) Sound and Color Healing. Acupuncture- meridians life energy highway. Massage- Touch- Soothing-Opening -the bodies muscular - skeletal – nervous system. - Yoga, Thi-Chi, Chi Gong, Dancing, Drumming, Singing etc.…  Practices that connect us to Spirit.

This is all exciting!

We can’t get caught up in the crumbling and disfunction that is happening right now.

We have to stay on this clear course of  A New Day – A New Way.

Therefore, we need to step out of our old 3D clothes, and create the new wardrobe.

Otherwise, we will lose it!

Stay focused on the developing of the new self and these goals and you won’t go wrong.

In Love and Light,


Gabriella Celiberti