Essential Oils and Compatible Stones to Assist in Developing Intuition

Restores your connection to spirit
Stones: Amethyst, Black Tourmaline

Clary Sage
Opens the 3rd eye. Opens intuitive channels and brings forth your intuitive vision.
Stones: Clear Quartz Crystal 

Opens the soul to higher consciousness.
Assists in Spiritual Awakening
Stones: Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Amethyst 

Roman Chamomile
Guides you into your higher purpose. It helps still the mind. Cleanse’s spirit
Stones: Aqua Marine, Amethyst 

Known as the oil of inner light.  Attracts vibrational energy. Brings optimism and happiness 
Stones: Amethyst, Rhodonite

The oil of Divine Love. Is the bridge between the heart chakra and the spiritual world. Highest frequency.
Stones: White Opal, Pink and Green Tourmaline, Desert Rose Selenite

How to use oils - Diffuser or put a dab on your hands and smell, or the back of wrist.

Stones - you may dab a bit of oil on them to enhance and blend their frequencies. 

Intention - before you begin: Sit quietly with your stone and oil ask them to guide you in your exploration of how to use your intuition. 

Gabriella Celiberti